Evaluation Sheet

Please rate the Training Course. Fields marked with * are required. Submission button is on the final page.
At the end of this form, you will be given the option to supply your full name. Or you can fill this form anonymously. The choice is entirely yours. It will automatically sync to us when you press submit.

The information you provide is solely for feedback purposes for Sli Nua Careers and organisations who contract us to deliver training programmes. It will not be used publicly in any way.

Please rate the Training Course. Fields marked with * are required.
On this page, you are given the option to supply your full name. Or you can fill this form anonymously. The choice is entirely yours. It will automatically sync to us when you press submit.

The information you provide is solely for feedback purposes for Sli Nua Careers and organisations who contract us to deliver training programmes. It will not be used publicly in any way.