Confirmation of online CV Preparation appointment
To confirm your online CV Preparation appointment as follows:
Your Senior Career Coach will be: Sean Browne.
- Early Stage Career: €190 (incl. 23% VAT)
- Mid Stage Career: €245 (incl. 23% VAT)
- Advanced Career: €300 (incl. 23% VAT)
Fee is payable by debit or credit card HERE NOW or via your coach on the day.
If you could do some, or all, of the following steps before the appointment, it will help us speed up the process of creating the best possible CV for you:
In advance of our appointment, if you get a chance, you can select your preferred CV template HERE. All you have to do is decide on the one you want, click on Select my Template at the bottom of the page. Then enter your selection there and it will automatically sync to us here.
- If you have an existing CV, please email it to me beforehand, plus any written references or certificates you have.
- Evaluate your Core Competencies HERE – when you’ve completed this, it will automatically upload to our server.
- Identify your major career achievements to date HERE
- Of course, if you haven’t time to do any of the above steps, we will obtain the information we need from you during the online appointment.
Teaching is one of our specialities and on our site we have assembled quite a deal of info of relevance to teaching. You can access that info HERE.
Please note we also supply a customised Cover Letter with your CV.