Your Launcher is now on our intranet, HERE

You should shortcut / bookmark that intranet page for ease of use by you. I’m putting your Launcher on the intranet as that site is not publicly shared; it’s just for our own use.

This page you are now on will be deleted in time.

Any difficulty you experience with any of this, contact Liam.

HQ Hard Core Regular To Dos & Weekend Tracker

General career chat – let’s get a time in the diary – LH

WhatsApp to private client who has just contacted us – all & LH

Contact details for all our Coaches

My paster LH – do one for Aidrienne too

LinkedIn how-to guide

Company-wide Zoom

Company-wide Zoom – how to start a meeting

My key CV email and booking links

Kick off career process with GPA client after GPA introduction – GPA client

Confirm and kick off online CV process (no appointment yet) – PRIVATE clients

Confirm and kick off online CV process (no appointment yet) – AGENCY clients

Email for sending out new CV and cover letter – PRIVATE clients – LH

Email for sending out new CV and cover letter – AGENCY clients – LH

CV completed on hourly rate – final payment due – PRIVATE clients – LH


My application form emails and booking links

My email to new application form clients – LH approach

My email to ‘returning’ application form clients – LH approach

Application form catch-all reply – PRIVATE clients

Email after agreeing booking – PRIVATE clients

Email with draft copy – PRIVATE clients

Email with final copy – PRIVATE clients

Job done – final payment now due – LH approach


My IVT emails and booking links

Confirmation of online IVT email time agreed – LH

IVT agreed, confirmation email, but client has to pick time – LH

Interview training follow-up report

(GPA) Confirmation of online Interview Training session – Liam Horan


My Mock Interview email and booking links

Confirmation of online Mock Interview email – LH

My other links

Company-wide Zoom link – just in case you need to share with a client or colleague. Please note: clients get this link in the confirmation emails you send out.

My own Zoom meeting link – LH (not company-wide one) – AG. In case you want to do a quick meeting with someone, perhaps a follow-up etc. But you can also use the company-wide Zoom link for this, as long as HQ knows the time and date so that they can manage any potential clashes with other meetings.

My Interview Training confirmation page – just in case you need to share with a client or colleague. Please note: clients get this link in the confirmation emails you send out.


Company wide

Payments (password for this page will be updated in usual way via WhatsApp group)

CV templates

Cover letter templates

Interview training resources – general

Mock interview resources

Various how-to videos


LH short meeting, short notice

AOL CV info gather session