Interview Training & Mock Interview Combined

We will prepare you for competency-based and traditional interviews

To give yourself real peace of mind, book an Interview Training session and a Mock Interview now.

Our Mock Interview service covers competency-based and traditional interviews, as befits the interview for which you are preparing.
Our Interview Training sessions are tailored to suit your needs, and are run by experienced interviewers, who also have extensive experience in business mentoring, communications, education, training, media and human resources.

Why you should consider Sli Nua Careers

Listen to Liam Horan Explaining the Process

Benefits of a Mock Interview
Liam Horan, Sli Nua Careers, talks (1 min 45 secs) about the benefits of putting yourself through a Mock Interview before the big day



Liam Horan, Sli Nua Careers, talks (1 min 45 secs) about why you should consider Sli Nua Careers for Interview Training

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