LinkedIn Profiles

Get a LinkedIn profile that promotes you online

Yes, we have extensive experience writing LinkedIn profiles, and ensuring that they get you noticed. Our LinkedIn expert is Maureen Nalubega.

LinkedIn is a popular tool of choice among employers, recruiters and specialist head-hunters. You need to ensure your LinkedIn profile does you proud – because you never know who might be looking at it.

Our prices:

  • We charge €115 (including 23% VAT) per hour.
  • The cost therefore depends on the work involved in completing the profile
  • We will give you an estimated price/no. of hours beforehand.

Contact us today at any of our offices, e: if you need your existing LinkedIn profile improved, or if you wish to start from scratch.

Why you should consider Sli Nua Careers LinkedIn Profile Services

Listen to Liam Horan explaining the process

Mark McDonald, Sli Nua Careers, speaks to CRC-fm about key elements of creating a LinkedIn profile.

What others are saying

"When I first made the decision to leave my job which was dragging down my confidence and bringing me down the wrong career track. I really wanted to move into an area which I didn’t necessarily have the typical experience or qualifications for but I knew my personality would be right for the job."

Deirdre O'Flynn


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