This week’s top tip

The issue of transferrable skills has arisen on a number of occasions when working with clients recently.

“How do I know my transferrable skills?”

“How I let an employer know they transfer to a new sector?”

The question is generally asked by people who are moving from one sector to another. This can be a daunting time for people as they struggle to make what they did for, say, the last 20 years relevant to what they want to do for the next 20 – particularly when there is no obvious connection.

We have a Core Competency Inventory that readers can access by emailing with Core Competency Inventory in the subject line. This takes you through a long list of competencies, including, for example, numeracy, verbal communications, statistical, business intelligence, project management, and so on.

Once people realise/accept they have these skills, they can reflect them in their CV. Your project management experience may have been in construction, but might it transfer to the community and voluntary sector?

The first step, though, is to identify your core competencies: then, and only then, can you work at showing employers how they transfer to other sectors.