Job offer
By Sabina Trench, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers

You’re on the job hunt, but you are already in a job. Now that the offer is on the table, panic sets in and you don’t know what to do. If you only consider the money, you may be setting yourself up for a fall, writes SABINA TRENCH, CAREER COACH, SLI NUA CAREERS.
There are many things to consider when you are considering a job offer, and here’s a checklist to get you started:
The People
What did you think of the people at the interview? Were they friendly? What did they say when you asked them what they liked about working for the organisation? Did they say ‘the holiday’s?
These are the people you will be spending time with, communicating with and working with, so think deeply about this one.
Their Place
Where is the organisation placed in terms of development? An exciting new start up or an established company with 40 years in the industry? These two work environments may be completely different, requiring different levels of energy and possibly working hours.
Look at your ‘place’ in life too when thinking about this. Are you starting on the career ladder or looking for something steady to bring you to retirement? Does your place and their place match?
The Perks
Separate from salary, what are the benefits of working here? Things such as annual leave, expenses, pension plans, term time leave, options for a career break should all be considered. What are the perks in your current job, and how long would it take to achieve those levels if you took up this job offer?
The Prospects
If you take this new job, is it a job for life or a stepping stone within the organisation? Maybe you have hit the ceiling where you are, and this job offer will bring some opportunities for promotion. This is one thing that could override any short-term salary drop that you may have to suffer in the move.
The Pay
Let’s face it, most people need to pay a mortgage or rent and many other expenses from their wage packet, so you can’t ignore the pay issue. If you are already in a job, you may have some level of comfort but you still need to look at the bottom line. Does the job pay more? If not, are there opportunities for overtime, expenses, commission or other special allowances?
You do need to consider this issue, but it should not be looked at in isolation. Perks such as term time might suit your family life; opportunities for promotion might be a clincher over pay; or the stage the company is at might give you a lot more stability than where you are working today. Put this on your checklist, but not at the top.
Your Instinct
Now that you have assessed each of the above. Think about this: How did you feel when you got the interview? How did you feel before, during and after the interview? What was the sensation when they rang with the offer? Also, there was a reason you applied for the job in the first place too, what was that reason? You gut instinct mightn’t always be right, but it might just help you to break the ‘will I, won’t I?’ deadlock.
We can help you get a job offer with our interview training HERE
Sabina Trench is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers, who have offices in Galway, Dublin, Limerick, Athlone, Sligo and Mayo, plus a full online service. Their services include CV preparation, interview training, personal statements and application forms.