Angela Tjalsma

 Contact Angela Tjalsma (Ballinrobe office) to make a booking

    We don't retain your details for marketing purposes.

    Your first name (Required)

    Your surname (Required)

    Your email (Required)

    County (Required)

    Your phone number (Required)

    Describe your current employment level (Required)

    Describe your current goal
    I want to make a 360 degree career changeMove to another employer in same sectorGo for promotion in current employmentNot really sure - need to talk

    Any specific services you definitely need (select more than one if you wish)
    CV PreparationApplication FormPersonal StatementInterview TrainingMock InterviewLinkedIn ProfileIdentifying my Transferable SkillsJob-searching StrategiesPresentation & Public Speaking SkillsCareer Planning & Direction AssistanceSelf-employment SupportDress for SuccessOther - we will ring to discuss

    Your preferred time for a consultation
    Weekday morningWeekday afternoonWeekday eveningSat. morning

    Any other information you wish to give us (not obligatory)

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