Brendan Coyne – Life Coach
Brendan Coyne worked for 19 years as a Juvenile Liaison Officer operating the Garda Juvenile Diversion Programme with offenders under the age of 18. This involved cautioning the offenders and supervising them for up to two years in order to prevent them from committing further crimes or offences.
He later worked as a Welfare Officer – now known as Employee Assistance Officer – within An Garda Síochána for 3½ years. During this time he dealt confidentially with a multitude of scenarios including stress debriefing, bereavement, health and employment issues, relationship and financial difficulties.
During his time with MABS he worked as a money advisor and co-ordinator of the service. He worked with those who were in debt or at the risk of getting into debt, offering a confidential, non-judgmental and holistic support and guidance to clients so that they could manage their situations. In this work, he encountered people who were highly stressed due to their debts and its subsequent impact on relationships and health. He also managed the Service and reported to and supported the local voluntary Board of Directors of the service.
Brendan has always been active in his community – as chairperson of Roundfort and Mayo Macra na Feirme, he was responsible for bringing the Macra National Conference to Mayo for the first time in its history. He was honoured with a National Leadership Award for his voluntary work with Macra na Feirme.
He became a leader of Give-It- A-Go Foróige, Castlebar, and went on to become National Chairperson of Foróige, the national youth development organisation, for two years. He served for a further two years as vice-chairperson of the organisation.
In latter years, he became involved as a leader with the 20th Mayo Scout Troop in Snugboro, Castlebar. He became Chairman of Muigheo Theas ag dul chun Chinn ( South Mayo LEADER Company)
He has served on his local Community Development Association, on the local branch of the Garda Representative Association ( GRA) and is currently Chairperson of the Board of Management of St Peter’s National School, Snugboro.
Brendan is the father of three daughters and Grandad to two grandchildren whom he loves to spoil and return to their parents.
In his spare time Brendan enjoys cycling, walking, set dancing and has a great interest in sport generally.
To make an appointment with Brendan, contact Sli Nua Careers on 094 95 42965 or email callback@slinuacareers.com. More on the approach Brendan adopts HERE