Last updated: 12 March 2020

We are now conducting all our business online.

If you have made a booking with us, we will update you with alternative online arrangements. We have vast experience of working online and will help you to ensure you can avail of our services in this way. It’s quite simple.

We guarantee an equally effective service as our face-to-face offering.

To book sessions, contact our numbers in the usual way. We are answering them remotely.

This will apply until further notice. We will update this page if and when we are in a position to change these arrangements.

We apologise for the inconvenience this causes. However, we fully appreciate the fact that we must play our part to minimise the risks presented by coronavirus.

For further information on the coronavirus, please refer to the dedicated HSE web page. This includes details of what to do if you experience symptoms or if you feel you may be at risk.

All queries re Sli Nua Careers coronavirus procedures should be directed to Liam Horan 094 95 42965 (w) / 094 95 20698 (h).