If you have any problem opening your CV and Cover Letters, just let us know by email and we will send you on a number of other MS Word versions Trouble-shooting formatting problems.
Sometimes the lay-out/formatting can change as the documents travel from computer to computer. This can cause a page break to take place at a different point on your version of the CV than it does on the original CV here. If that has happened here, you can amend the lay-out/format to suit your own computer at your end, as follows:
These are the key page details we have used, and if you can repeat these on your PC, you should get the same lay-out/format on your PC: Option 1 (for older versions of Word):
Go to File/Page Set-up, and then to Margins: Set Left, Right, Top, and Bottom to 1.5cm
Click then on Paper tab, and select A4 Option 2 (for newer versions of Word): Go to Page Layout, and then to Margins, then to Custom Margins: Set Left, Right, Top, and Bottom to 1.5cm
Click then on Size tab, and select A4
If that doesn’t work, come back to us and we will talk you through something else that should work.