People come to us at all stages of the Career Cycle.
So where are you?
Answer the following questions and we will come back to you with what we feel will be an appropriate response for you. In all cases, it involves us sending you a number of questionnaires to help us – and you – to get to know your situation better.
I’m at a complete crossroads
I don’t know what career I want to pursue next and I don’t know how to go about putting this right? Please help! I need a serious intervention.
Radio boxes here Goran: Yes, this is me. No, this is not me. I’m not quite sure.
I’m caught behind some traffic
I know the sector I want to work in but I don’t know how to get there. I need some direction.
Radio boxes here Goran: Yes, this is me. No, this is not me. I’m not quite sure.
I need to get a refill
I’m actually in the sector I want to work in, but I am not making the progress I’d like. I need a boost.
Radio boxes here Goran: Yes, this is me. No, this is not me. I’m not quite sure.
Services we offer – we will recommend these to you as we see fit
Psychometric Assessment
Career Direction One-to-One sessions
Course / Training Guidance
CV Writing
Interview Training