In a competitive jobs market, you may have to do more than you expected. We like what Stephen Cleary did with his Steve’s Job campaign.
We work with clients on similar approaches (please note, we didn’t work with Stephen, we merely reported on his story for www.thejournal.ie.)
We have worked with Darren Hughes on this Personal Brand website, and we like what David Wogan has done too – in fact, that’s why we wrote about David in our Career Clinic on TheJournal.ie.
If you think you could land a job by doing something ‘beyond the ordinary’, feel free to give us a call today. We may be able to help you execute your campaign with a Personal Branding approach specifically for you.
It may be a YouTube video. A Twitter campaign. Or a blog. Or a broadcast marathon. Or a combination of all sorts of things. Anything that showcases your talents to a potential employer: whatever you need to do to ‘get you over the line.’
Equally, it may be that you need some ‘below-the-line’ direction: do a training course, seek work experience, get in touch with old contacts. We are very aware that job-searching can be a difficult process and one of our strengths is our ability to assess what you’re currently doing on this front, and suggest ways of improving your approach. Together we can devise a job-searching strategy that is uniquely yours.
Talk to us if you feel we can help you get that job. We specialise in creative ideas, and helping you to execute your campaign. If you’d like to know more about this, email getthatjob@slinuacareers.com (putting Going Further in the subject line) and we will come back to you. Include your phone number too.