Trying hard, but not making the progress you’d like in terms of getting a job or promotion? Are you sure your CV and job-searching approach are pushing the right buttons?
Our novel Job-searching Critique will take a close look at the key elements of your current approach and provide you with a list of personalised ‘fixes’ to turbo-boost your job-searching efforts.
For just €55.35 (€45 plus VAT, payment can be made below), you will get:
- First Critique of your CV – with loads of suggestions as to how you can improve the document that first represents you to potential employers
- Second Critique of your CV – make the changes we recommend in the First Critique, and send it back to us for a second assessment.
- Two templated Cover Letters than you can tailor to your own needs – one to apply for a job that has been advertised, and another speculative letter for including when dropping your CV into an organisation you’d like to work for, but where a job is not currently advertised.
- An analysis of your current job-searching methods – you tell us what you’re doing, and how you’re doing it, and we tell you what you’re doing well and what you could do better. These range from practical suggestions such as contacting recruitment companies in your area to, where appropriate, more creative methods like building your own personal website. We send you a personalised report so that it suits your personality type, your sector and your current state of play.
To avail of our Job-Searching Critique, simply fill out the form below. First, go HERE to make payment – enter €55.35 into the Other Amount and continue from there. Please note, we don’t commence your job-searching critique until payment is made.
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After you’ve filled the form above, the ‘next steps’ are as follows:
1. You’ll automatically receive an email from us asking you some questions – in this we try to get to know a bit about you so that we can tailor our recommendations to suit you. For example, if you’re an extroverted PR & Marketing executive, we may recommend you to do your own social media campaign (as Stephen Cleary did), whereas in the case of, say, a more reserved candidate they might send their CV and a personalised cover letter to 40 people with whom they previously worked or studied.
2. When you’ve filled that form and made the payment, we carry out the first critique of your CV and send it back to you.
3. We critique your current job-searching efforts and send you a full report on how you can improve it.
4. You send us back your updated CV.
5. We carry out the second critique of your CV and send it back to you, and you will then be able to carry out vastly improved job-searching with, hopefully, better results.