Our Services In Full


Sometimes, you don’t know exactly what you want from your Career Coach. What services does a Career Consultancy provide? We regularly get an “oh, I didn’t realise you did that” reaction from our clients.

Accordingly, here’s a full list of the services we provide. In many cases, clients need a mix of some of these services. Contact us today to discuss what exactly you need, and we will prepare a Personalised Plan of action for you.


Interview Training

Our two-hour Interview Training Programme will revolutionise your interview performance and help you convince the employer that you’re the right person for the job. You won’t realise how much you needed this training programme until you’ve done it. MORE


Mock Interview

Want to get some interview experience before you go for the big one? Our Mock Interview service helps to get you in the right frame of mind, and also alerts you to some of the errors you are making. We offer you suggestions as to how you can improve for the big day itself. MORE


CV Preparation

Your CV represents you. We strive to make it the best possible ambassador you can have. MORE


Application Forms & Personal Statements

We have vast experience of completing Application Forms and Personal Statements in such a way that your skills, attributes, achievements and experience are portrayed positively to the employer or educational institution in question. MORE


LinkedIn Profiles

Without you even realising it perhaps, your LinkedIn profile may be the first – or second – port of call for the employer. Make sure it serves you well. We specialise in writing profiles that prove attractive to employers. MORE


Career Direction & Guidance (School Leavers)

Not sure what area you’d like to work in? Through our training, experience and, if necessary, Psychometric Tests, we can help to guide you to a sector that will suit you. This is the service you need if you find yourself at a career crossroads, or see one looming on the horizon. MORE


Back to work / Community Groups Training

We hold a variety of Group Workshops & Training Programmes all over Ireland. Our innovative packages help you achieve career success. To get a full view of these Workshops, see MORE


Corporate Training

Sli Nua Careers Ltd has offices nationwide and we offer a range of Corporate Training services to corporate clients all over Ireland. More details here: MORE


Outplacement Services

We work with businesses and private individuals all over Ireland. All of our consultants are experienced Career Coaches. MORE


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    Your current goal (required + select a few if you wish)

    Make a 180 degree career changeImprove my CV / application formGet ready for job interviewOther - need to talk

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