Please note, that you should ‘tweak’ your CV virtually every time you send it out – in this way, you make changes so that information that is relevant to the potential employer is highlighted. You will get insights on what an employer is looking for in the Job Spec: your priority is to change perhaps the early, overview sections of your CV (e.g Personal Profile, Objective, Professional Summary, Mission Statement, Key Achievements) to help you match the requirements of the employer.
Once you have tailored your CV once or twice in this way, you will get the hang of it. If you wish, send the first ‘tweak’ to me and I will give you feedback on how you have done. Please download here some sample Personal Profile and Key Achievements & Attributes. You can also download our Job Search Form which might be of assistance to you.
We believe Cover Letters should be short affairs, and that the CV should do the ‘heavy lifting.’ In our CVs, we seek to create ‘early impact’ so that an employer is ‘hooked’ from the very early stages. That is why we have concentrated a lot of important, catch-all information about you in the early part of your CV. If you would like to hear more about this, you can view this Crafting a Winning CV video we have created.