The LinkedIn summary section can be somewhat of a daunting obstacle for its users – especially for those looking to utilise the platform as a job searching tool. Perhaps the most subjective element of the profile structure, when its effectiveness is optimised the user sparks enough interest in the reader to contemplate whether the services you provide can be of benefit to them or their organisation.
By Ashley Cahillane, LinkedIn specialist

Firstly, your LinkedIn summary should always be at the top of your profile. The summary offers the most scope to be personable and to sell the value that you bring to a company. The key is to communicate this from the off. Think quality over quantity here.
The 2,000 character limit doesn’t necessarily need to be totally consumed. So, instead of detailing the chronological synopsis of your career to date, think ‘what is it about me that best portrays what I do and that would make people want to connect with me?’ Your summary should be engaging and let people know what you bring to the table.
To give yourself every chance of popping up in specific search results of those who are seeking niche skills, incorporate industry specific buzz words and key phrases that define your role. Furthermore, you will give your reader an idea of your place within your industry. Be authentic though, and take care to avoid using clichéd buzz words for the sake of it.