Going for interview? Be nice to everyone you meet

By Patricia Maloney, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers, Galway

Patricia Maloney
Patricia Maloney, Career Coach

When attending an interview, from the minute you walk in the door to leaving, be very aware of your surroundings and, most importantly, anybody with whom you come into contact.

Ensure you engage with everyone, especially the secretary, receptionist or, indeed, the personal assistant. Never underestimate the power or influence of these key people in any organisation.

When leaving make a point of saying goodbye and thank you.

Receptionists witness behaviour of people at times when they think they are being unobserved.


Patricia Maloney is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers and works out of Galway. You can read more about her, and make a booking HERE for CV Preparation and Interview Training.

More articles from her blog can be accessed HERE