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Tel: 086 890 8400
By Deirdre May, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers.
In coaching someone seeking the position of [see ad here] Sales/Business Development Manager in a Cork Hotel, I would try to get the candidate to appreciate two basic concepts. Firstly, it needs to be identified from the job description what exactly the employer is looking for. Secondly, I advise the candidate on how to sell themselves as the most worthy candidate at interview.
Job description
Analysing this specific job description the key words are: Manager (supervise and administer finances and staff), Accounts (accountancy qualifications and experience in hotel financial matters), Sales (maintain and generate customers), Planning (knowledge of quarterly and annual financial planning processes), Communicator (team player who can get on with people), Analyse Data (analytical ability to identify new opportunities and detect/solve problems).
Interview Training
At interview training sessions I coach the candidate to articulate four critical points that the employer wants to know:
Why the candidate is interested in working with this hotel? Display an impressive wealth of knowledge on the hotel’s financial processes and future plans.
What the candidate can do for the hotel? Prove that they are very proficient in all aspects of Sales/BD Management as per the job description.
What kind of person the candidate is? Capable, reliable, innovative and hardworking teamplayer. What distinguishes the candidate from other candidates? Excelled previously as proven through work experience and references.
Comfort zone
It’s a collaborative process where the coach is conscious that the candidate must remain inside a comfort zone while maintaining a sense of proactive confidence that gets the sales pitch across to maximum effect.
If you would like to make a booking with any of our career coaches, see HERE for CV Preparation, Application Form writing, LinkedIn Profile writing, Interview Training and other career services.
Deirdre May is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers.