Week 2 – getting deeper into things

By Paula Ballester Murat

Erasmus Entrepreneurship Programme Participant, 2017/2018

Time flies, and even more when you don’t stop for a single minute. During these days I’ve been getting to know all the services that Sli Nua Careers offers and also identifying their customers. Besides, I’ve been in contact with Liam’s other business, LocalStreaming.club and MayoGAATV.com, and the way to manage all of them, although my hub activity has been related to Sli Nua. I’ve met some of Liam’s customers and learned how to schedule daily tasks.

A careers business involve a personalised approach to each person. You need to know who they are and who they want to be so you can adapt your service to them. It is also required to follow their progress. So, at the end, it’s a huge time that isn’t directly included in a session, but without which the quality of the service would decrease.

As my background involves social media and audiovisual knowledge, I’ve started analysing Sli Nua marketing strategies, focusing on social networks and the way we communicate and engage with clients through scheduling posts and articles. I also record videos along with Conor Dowd, who is a 15 year-old secondary school student also here on work experience.

I talk with Liam through all the days, always looking how to improve our communication discussing which services could have a good impact in the Spanish market.