South West Counselling Centre recruiting for a CEO – we can help a good candidate get over the line

By Mary Reale, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers, Tralee 

Mary Reale, Career Coach, TRALEE T: 094 95 42965

Are you an IACP or IAHIP accredited counsellor with a third level qualification and 3+ years project management experience?

South West Counselling Centre is presently recruiting for a CEO. See job advertisement (closes December 8, 2017) HERE

To prepare a CV for this position, I would give vital evidence and address the key areas of experience and skills that are required to fulfill this role.  I would emphasise the following:

Leadership: The candidate would need to relish the challenge and be confident in utilising experience to oversee the future development and success of SWCC.  Example in a previous role

Management: Manage staff, adhere to budgetary constraints, drive change and have strong problem-solving capabilities.  Give examples.

Strategic planning: Give details of how organisational goals can be outlined and achieved.

Communication Skills: Confident communicator in both oral and written communication.

 Relationship Building Skills: Capable of developing good working relationships with key stakeholders and work effectively with a board of management.

Mary Reale is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers in Tralee, Co. Kerry.

Make a booking HERE  for CV Preparation, Application Form writing, Interview Training and Mock Interviews.