Q: They haven’t asked for a presentation, and, when I checked it out, they said there wouldn’t be a projector available on the day. But I’m a woman who likes to put stuff in writing. What should I do? (DG, email).
A: Sometimes employers are reluctant to allow one candidate do something that others weren’t invited to do – such as make a presentation. You’ve got to respect their wishes, writes Liam Horan, Career Coach, Ballinrobe office, Sli Nua Careers.

You can still do something. How about writing out one page o, say, ideas for what you will do in the job, how your career history makes you a good candidate or an overview of the company as you see it?
You could always offer them that at the end of the interview. It will satisfy your desire to put something on paper and will linger after you’re left the room.
Of course, in the spirit of the outlawed presentation, they may decline to accept it. Be prepared for that moment of rejection. If it comes, respect their wishes again and don’t exhibit any sense of surprise, disappointment or anger.
It’s worth a try. Your job is to get the job. A goal-hanger finds a way to stick that goal. So must you.
Liam Horan is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers in Ballinrobe.
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