Seven tips to help you write a cracking job application by Angela Tjalsma January 27, 2023 Q: Can you give me some tips for completing a complex job application form, especially for someone who hasn't done one in a while? That’s the boat I find myself in now. I’m at a loss wondering how I can…
How do I start to discover – and write – my strengths for a… by Angela Tjalsma November 11, 2022 Q: Everything I read and watch about career progression tells me I need to know my strengths. I understand that this is true – but I’ve no idea how to go about it. Where does one start when it comes…
Figuring out the lie of the land in SME interviews by Angela Tjalsma February 24, 2023 Following on from our recent advice column written by an executive with vast experience of interviewing candidates in the public sector, we thought it might be useful to complement that with a view from the private sector. We sourced the…
Seven tips to give your LinkedIn profile a makeover by Angela Tjalsma April 27, 2023 Q: I started a LinkedIn account about ten years ago in college. I haven’t done much with it since, and, perhaps understandably in those circumstances, it hasn’t done much for me either. I’m wondering what I should do now to…