Make LinkedIn work for you in job-searching phase
Maureen Nalubega- LinkedIn Specialist

Q: I have a LinkedIn account, but I don’t really update it much. My last two jobs are not on there and I think my qualifications may even need some tweaking to reflect recent courses I have done. I am now on the job trail. I work in the marketing area. Should I overhaul my LinkedIn profile to give myself a better chance? (RL, email).

A: I think the answer here is that if you’re on LinkedIn, it’s best to be on it properly, writes Maureen Nalubega, LinkedIn Specialist, Slí Nua Careers. It is your call, of course. Some people don’t like sharing personal details online, and I fully understand and respect that.

However, you have put your hand into the lion’s mouth, but you have pulled back – perhaps it’s time to fully commit or withdraw completely.

Recruiters are all over LinkedIn. It is a first port of call for many of them when they get an application or they’re on the head-hunting trail. A poorly maintained LinkedIn account will not do anything for you, whereas one that is well maintained could score some points for you.

What might also raise some concerns is if there is a disparity between your CV and your LinkedIn. Employers and recruiters don’t like confusion.

Be truthful

I recommend that you at least go back in there and update your key information so that it mirrors your CV. That will at least give employers some comfort that you are telling the truth – despite what you might hear, declining to tell the truth is not uncommon in the job-searching world.

I would suggest writing a few blogs about your sector. A headline such as ‘five tools that have turbocharged my marketing skills’ could be a place to start. Employers don’t necessarily expect to learn a huge amount about technologies or tools from this article, but it will set you apart as someone who thinks about your profession.

And that’s a good start as you embark upon your job-searching phase. Long-term, if you were to write one 400-word blog a month about your sector, your profile would soon be quite healthy and attractive.


Featured image courtesy of Pixabay.


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