How to turn your LinkedIn profile into a digital CV
Maureen Nalubega- LinkedIn Specialist

Q: I have been on LinkedIn for years, but I make poor use of it. I go on there and see lots of activity but I’m never quite sure what I should do. Is there any way that my LinkedIn profile can be transformed to become my digital CV, in effect? I am looking around for a new job after having the same role for the past 13 years and I would like every help I can get. Don’t be afraid to be basic in your advice – I’m little more than a beginner even though I’ve had a LinkedIn profile for aeons. (KL, email).

A: If you’re job hunting, having a strong LinkedIn profile is generally deemed to be an asset, writes Maureen Nalubega, LinkedIn Specialist, Slí Nua Careers. And, yes, you can use your LinkedIn profile as your digital CV. With a few tweaks, you’ll transform your LinkedIn profile into a powerful tool for showcasing your skills, experience and achievements to potential employers.

First, make sure your profile is complete and up to date. Include a professional-looking profile photo, a clear and concise summary of your skills and experience and a detailed work history. Don’t forget to include relevant education, certifications or awards.

There are a few other things you can do to turn your LinkedIn profile into a CV. For example, you can use the Recommendations feature to ask for and display recommendations from past colleagues, supervisors or clients. These can be effective third-party testimonies.

Consider sharing updates or articles on your LinkedIn profile. You don’t have to write those articles – you can comment on a link you post to them. This will show potential employers that you are knowledgeable and passionate about your industry, and it can also help you connect with other professionals in your field. Join groups in your sector. Ask and answer questions.


Overall, the key is to make your LinkedIn profile a reflection of who you are as a professional and highlight your enthusiasm for your field.

By following these steps, you can turn your LinkedIn profile into a powerful digital CV that will help you stand out to potential employers. If you take the time to optimise and update your profile in this way, you will be able to start using it as a tool for advancing your career.

Once your profile is complete and optimised, you can use it as a digital CV. One way to do this is to export your LinkedIn profile as a PDF. This will create an easy-to-read document that you can use as a CV. To export your profile, go to Privacy & Settings, then click on Download your Data. From there, you can select the option to download your profile.

Another way to use your LinkedIn profile as a CV is to create a custom link you can share with potential employers. This link will take them directly to your profile, where they can see your relevant information and connect with you. To create a custom link, go to Edit Public Profile & URL in the settings menu, and choose a custom URL that includes your name or an abbreviated version of your name. Then, copy the URL and share it with potential employers.

You should also note that more and more job adverts are now offering the option to apply with your LinkedIn profile.


Featured image courtesy of Pixabay.


Need advice on your LinkedIn profile? Go HERE for information on LinkedIn profiles

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