Making a pitch for the job and getting in the zone

By Patricia Maloney, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers, Galway

The question is often asked: how do you actually sell yourself at the interview.

Patricia Maloney
Patricia Maloney, Career Coach

Consider the following question: John, why should we offer you the job?

John, this is your opportunity to pitch for the job.

You need to be in ‘the zone’ – and by ‘the zone’ I mean that if this were the only question put to you, and the other candidates, are you confident your answer would be so good that it would get you the job?

Would your answer be that good?

If not, then you need to do more in-depth and thorough preparation in advance of the interview. That’s how firmly in ‘the zone’ you need to be.

In your preparation, be focused, be specific, and gather the proof (the evidence) that shows why you should be offered the job.  Think experience, qualifications, training, skills, competencies, attributes and so on.

Even if you are not asked this direct question in the interview, this exercise will be of value in helping you answer other questions.

Remember to bring your personality into your answers – bring energy, passion and enthusiasm.

Work on your delivery and body language and don’t underestimate how the important roles likeability and suitability play in getting you a job offer – or not.

Be confident, be convinced in, be interested and don’t forget to smile.

Patricia Maloney is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers and works out of Galway. You can read more about her, and make a booking HERE for CV Preparation and Interview Training.

More articles from her blog can be accessed HERE