‘How did you prepare for this interview’

Q: In a recent job interview, I was asked a very unusual question: ‘how did you prepare for this interview?’ I didn’t know what to say and muttered something about reading their website. In fact, I had put in a huge amount of preparation, including speaking to somebody who works there and doing two sessions with a career coach, but I wasn’t sure I should reveal all of that. Would it show that I was lacking something? (AC, email).

A: It is an unusual question, but I have come across it before, and, I have to admit that I would have taken a different tack to the one you did, writes Stephanie MacKinnon, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers.

I would use the question as an opportunity to demonstrate how I prepare effectively for every career engagement. This was a big event for you and they would like to know that you don’t walk blindly into such engagements.

Yes, I would have told them about my meeting with the current employee. No, I wouldn’t have revealed that employee’s name, but I’d have made it clear that I felt it was important to learn all I could about the company, what it does, where its customers are, significant challenges it faces, and the overall market conditions in which it operates.

Would I have told them about the career coach? Why not? Again, it shows preparation and that you take things seriously.

Might they think you are overly rehearsed or sculpted because you had been to a career coach? Only if you actually appear overly rehearsed or sculpted. A good career coach seeks to develop your trust in your natural communication style rather than driving you somewhere that is not sustainable for you.

There is no shame in speaking to a career coach or an employee. In fact, quite the opposite. They were powerful indications of the level of motivation you brought to the interview and the panel should take a great deal of encouragement from that.

Stephanie MacKinnon is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers.

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