Q: I did a job interview last week and generally did well, but I didn’t know how to finish my answers. Should I wait until they talk over me? (OP, email).
A: Finish when you’re finished. When you have given enough information on the topic at hand, stop, writes Liam Horan, Career Coach, Sli Nua Careers.
We should not wait for the interview panel to speak over us because they may not do so. Waiting for them also hands too much control over to their side of the table.
Think about the natural end to your answers. If you find yourself trying to prove once more what you’ve already proven, you know you should be finishing. Interview panels pick up things quickly, by and large, so stay away from too much repetition.
It is, of course, a judgment call each time. But what is beyond argument is that you must learn to finish when you’re finished. Don’t just drift. Be decisive, pick your time to finish, and finish. A possible finish is along the lines of “I hope that shows you I have a good [insert relevant word here – e.g. leadership, if it’s leadership you’ve been talking about] skills for this role.”
Let them fill the silence. Generally speaking, there will be two or three of them – one of them will do the needful. There will be further opportunities in the interview to prove the various points that need to be proven to help you get the job.

Liam Horan is a Career Coach with Sli Nua Careers in Ballinrobe.
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