Five common errors to avoid in a job interview by Angela Tjalsma April 7, 2022 Q: I am working with a group in their 30’s and 40’s who have been out of the workplace for some time, and now want to get back to work. I'm trying to prepare them for upcoming interviews, and I…
How to portray your leadership and management skills by Angela Tjalsma November 4, 2021 Q: The interview panel asked me if I knew the difference between leadership and management. It completely threw me. I've been a manager in my company for a few years and I'd always seen leadership and management as being much…
How to strike the right tone in community work interview by Angela Tjalsma March 3, 2023 Q: My friend is going for an interview in a fortnight as a community development worker with a youth organisation. The role will involve helping young people growing up in difficult circumstances to get involved in activities such as sport,…
Seven tips to help you write a cracking job application by Angela Tjalsma January 27, 2023 Q: Can you give me some tips for completing a complex job application form, especially for someone who hasn't done one in a while? That’s the boat I find myself in now. I’m at a loss wondering how I can…
Seven tips to shine in a recorded job interview by Angela Tjalsma December 9, 2022 Q: I've been called for a job interview in a fortnight's time. But this is not any ordinary interview: I'm being interviewed by a camera. Yes, it will be recorded, and then judged by someone else and I will then…