How to maintain focus as a job interview approaches

 Q: I applied for the job yesterday, they rang first thing this morning and want to interview me on Friday. Can I therefore take it that they are very keen to hire me? (DL, email)

A: Well, the scenario you describe is infinitely preferable to several alternative ones that could include them not getting back to you at all or sending you an immediate PFO email.

But I would counsel against believing you are even three-quarters of the way there. It might just be that they are under pressure to appoint somebody and are shoehorning several candidates into early job interviews. You should not believe that they fell out of their standing when they got your application – don’t become complacent about this  opportunity.

There are still hurdles to jump. Prepare for them by considering these three questions:

  1. Do you know exactly what the job requires?
  2. Have you examples from your training, education or work experience that demonstrate how you meet those requirements?
  3. Have you practiced articulating those examples so that you can convince them that you are the right candidate?

Yes, they are interested in you. But they may also be making eyes elsewhere. Until the point when you are offered the position, focus exclusively on the job interview and persuading them that you are the right person. Never count your chickens…


Featured image courtesy of Pixabay.


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