CV jewels
Hidden CV jewels

Q: Any unlikely piece of information I should have on my CV? (CD).

A: This is an excellent question. Many people make poor use of their volunteering experience, believing that their CV should only contain professional career events.

What you do in your spare time says a lot about you. I’ve heard senior HR personnel talk about how they quickly go to the community and voluntary experience area in a CV to get a proper feel for a candidate.

Giving time to your community shows a generous side and suggests that you’re a hard worker who likes to get things done. Apart from the fact that you contribute to your local area, making it better for those who live there and for generations to come, you may also be developing relevant skills through your community or voluntary involvement – people management, strategic planning, event planning, public relations, marketing and so on. Don’t take that experience, or the skills you’re developing, for granted.

I don’t know your situation, CD, but I urge you to look at your community and voluntary involvement to see what parallels you can draw between that part of your life and the kind of roles you are chasing. I would be very surprised if some gold doesn’t lurk there. But the onus is on you to find and broadcast it.


Featured image courtesy of Pixabay.


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